Flávio Ribeiro

Flávio Ribeiro

Art-educator, Drawer and Painter, Graduated in Degree in Drawing and Plastics from the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Bahia. Postgraduate, Specialization in Higher Education Teaching, and Master in Education - UFBA. Honorary member of the Academy of Arts and Arts of the city of Lauro de Freitas/BA.

He was Substitute Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA - and Professor at the Leonardo Da Vinci University Center; Collaborating professor at the UFBA-Tapiramutá space; he also teaches drawing, painting at his own Atelier (Salvador) and at the Atelier Artes Cedraz (Lauro de Freitas), studies on the techniques of representations of the human figure (artistic drawing and painting on canvas) and watercolor painting.

Participates in the FEP group (Training in Practice of Teachers) - FACED/UFBA. Cataloged by Art Gallery in Brazil, he has participated in several exhibitions, including as curators of respected artistic events in the city of Salvador and Lauro de Freitas.

In the watercolor technique, Flávio Ribeiro is not tied to specific themes, but to the forms of representations – seen as constituents of his sketch blocks. For him, his watercolor productions are moments of objectification of an arduous pursuit of “pretentious ingenuities”. As for the content of these works, he says that, above all, the ordinary is becoming extraordinary.


Website: www.flavioribeiroartes.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9766932127161550

E-mail: flaviribabec@yahoo.com.br

Tel. (71) 98704-2174 / (71) 99308-8854