Gladys Maldaun

Gladys Maldaun

Born 1943 - Start of career 1961 - Courses in Drawing, Painting and Living Model w/ Lubra.

From 1969 to 75 he perfected his figure with Amedeo Scavone.

1970 Studies Sumiê with Fang Chien Kong.

In Spain from 1974 to 76 he studied Mural and Modeled Painting with D. Manuel Villa Señhor and D.Luis Vassalo Parodi respectively at the Superior School of B. Arts of S Fernando in Madrid

  • 1970 - Individual Opening Passinho das Artes in São Paulo - SP
  • 1982 - Individual of drawings of the “Zoo SP 80/82” Series at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo
  • 1983 - Acquisition of 38 Pastel Studies regarding the Construction of the São Paulo Cultural Center by the São Paulo City Hall.
  • 1992 - Individual of the “Reflexos” Series (oil on canvas) – Galeria SESC Paulista
  • 1996 - Individual of Spanish themes at Galeria Ibero Americana - SP
  • 2003 - Participation in the Circuit of the 1st Quadrennial International Aquarela of FASM -SP
  • 2013 - Collective of the original watercolors from the book “Aquarela a Cor da Memória” at the Pró-Memória Foundation of São Caetano do Sul -SP
  • 2014 - Expo Coletiva Mano Fato Mano at Centro Cultural São Paulo.
  • 1974/76 - Applies for the Valladolid Watercolor Prize in Valladolid- España
  • 1994 - International Collective of the Núcleo de Aquarelistas in 200 Univers. Indecalb Illinois USA
  • 1995 - Participation in the Vasco International Aquarelistas Expo in Bilbao - España
  • 1996 - Individual of Watercolors at Galeria Balboa 13 in Madrid
  • 1998 - Individual of the series “Impressiones” (Spain-Brazil) at Sala Da Exma. Provincial Council of Cuenca-Spain
Main Awards
  • 1982 - Gold Medal – Ararense Salon of Plastic Art
  • 1976 - Second Prize for Design by the Círculo de B Artes de Madrid