Cléia Paiva

Cléia Paiva

From São Paulo, born in Cardoso (1968), currently lives between Taubaté and Ubatuba, SP.

Graduated in Performing Arts and post-graduated in Psychomotricity, she has been working as an art educator since 1989.

She began her painting studies in 1991 with Marylene Moura and, since then, dedicating herself more and more to watercolor, she participated in several workshops with great artists.

She participated in several arts events, such as: International Meeting of Watercolor Artists of Paraty (since 2010) being guest of honor (2019) and advisor (2021), Fabriano in Acquerello (2020/22), Urbino in Acquerello (2017 to 19), Esperanza em Colores IWS Brazil 2020, selection jury for the 6th Visual Arts Exhibition and selection of visual artists - Aldir Blanc law - Mogi das Cruzes, SP.

She participated in several Art Salons and national and international competitions, being awarded in some of them.

She has works in private and public collections, such as: Taubaté Art Museum -SP, Watercolor Museum in Urbino-Italy.

She is a partner-owner and professor at Via Cor Estúdio de Arte, Taubaté-SP, professor of Art History at Colégio Jardim das Nações, Taubaté-SP. Member of the VALE plein air group and co-creator of design of exclusive watercolor prints for Ave Marinha Beachwear and associate of the ABA.

His love and involvement with art is evident in his figurative works, which are generally light and fluid.


Instagram: @cleiapaivaarte

Facebook: Cléia Paiva

Youtube: Cléia Paiva Arte


Whatsapp: (12) 99113 - 3925