Plíneo Buffo

Plíneo Buffo

Bachelor of Visual Arts, specializing in painting, sculpture, and printmaking from the Belas Artes University of São Paulo (2008).
Specialization in "Visual Arts, Creation, and Culture" from SENAC/PR - Curitiba (2011).
Acquisition Prize in the OBJECT category at the 37th Luiz Sacilotto Contemporary Art Salon, Santo André (2009).
Participation in the IV SENAC/PR Visual Arts Exhibition - Curitiba (October 16 to 22, 2010).
Self-managed activity "Visual Arts Exhibition" at the II World Forum on Vocational and Technological Education, representing SENAC/PR (Florianópolis/SC - May 28 to June 01, 2012).



Mobile: +55 11 98454 3728 (Whatsapp)
Phone: +55 11 4368 1291